Who are Monroe Republicans Targeting in Wave of Anti-Woke Legislation?
by Steven Meyer
For two years, Monroe County’s elected Republicans have run hate campaigns against a widely undefined nemesis they call, “Woke”. Our US Congress member, Tim Walberg sent campaign emails using the term against these various topics: “Boys & men in girls’ sports... woke madness” 1, “The woke Left is LIVID that Roe v. Wade has been overturned” 2, “woke education in schools” 3, and, “woke regulations” 4.
Monroe’s State Senator, Joe Bellino proclaimed in a glossy print mass mailer, “Joe will never back down to the woke mob... left-wing absurdity like transgender boys competing against girls in high school sports” 5. Then four days after the mass shooting at Michigan State University, Bellino Tweeted that it, “would have” been prevented if not for, “a WOKE prosecutor” 6.
With real-life consequences, our local elected Republicans are now spitefully sponsoring legislation against their incoherent notions. Tim Walberg told the Detroit News that he introduced the “PROTECT Kids Act”, because of baseless rumors he heard from, “constituents who are suspicious about "woke" educators introducing their kids to liberal ideas... such as the claim last year that schools were placing litter boxes in student restrooms for kids who identify as “furries”” 7. Outrageously, the Republican-led US House passed that bill on March 24th. Also, State Representative, James DeSana cosponsored the bill, HB 4257 which will criminalize anyone, including parents who help provide gender-affirming care to children 8.
Questions remain as to how our elected Republicans define, “woke”. On what basis do the politicians Tim Walberg, Joe Bellino, and James DeSana think they should limit and criminalize the informed choices of parents, teachers, and doctors? Do those legislators believe that laws should apply equitably to people of different genders?
1: March 18, 2021 – Tim Walberg Campaign Email, Subject Line: “Boys & men in girls’ sports?
It’s WRONG & DANGEROUS”, which was the first campaign email that Walberg used the term,
“Woke”: http://ci.criticalimpact.com/vm2/fc4224030291793f/32683
“This “woke” madness we’ve seen grip our country is deeply concerning. This is just the
latest example.”
2: June 24, 2022 – Walberg Campaign Email, Subject Line: “Victory for the unborn”, which said,
“The woke Left is LIVID that Roe v. Wade has been overturned.”:
3: February 7, 2023 – Walberg Campaign Email, Subject Line: “** Biden State of the disUnion
**”, which complains about, “woke education in schools”:
“Between ever rising inflation costs, radicals advocating for woke education in schools,
and an out-of-control budget … the list of LEFTIST FAILURES are only outdone by Biden’s
4: March 31, 2023 – Walberg Campaign Email, Subject Line: “Fighting for Michigan in DC”:
“Democrats see Michigan as the key to taking the House back and returning to one-
party rule with no oversight, open borders, endless spending, woke regulations, and the
Green New Deal agenda.”
5: August 2022 – Joe Bellino Campaign Mailer, attacking transgender children:
“Joe will never back down to the woke mob. He’s unashamed to take a stand for the
values that built our country. He’s working to stop left wing absurdity like transgender
boys competing against girls in high school sports.”
6: February 17, 2023 – Tweet by Joe Bellino claiming that “Woke” Judge let MSU Mass Shooter
go free: https://twitter.com/jbellinojr/status/1626733974763581443?s=20
“None of these laws, that my Democrat friends, are proposing, would have stopped the
man @ MSU. In fact, the one that would have, was negated by a WOKE prosecutor.
Oh, yea, these same folks are big on 'cashless bail' too. You can't make this shit up.”
7: March 24, 2023 – Detroit News article about Tim Walberg’s PROTECT Kids Act, legislation
that passed the House to attack and alienate transgender kids in schools, and attack, “Woke
He said he hears such concerns often from his constituents who are suspicious about
"woke" educators introducing their kids to liberal ideas in the classroom. He noted that
cable television and other media reports have contributed to what might seem like far-
fetched rumors, such as the claim last year that schools were placing litter boxes in
student restrooms for kids who identify as “furries,” or animal characters.
8: March 9, 2023 – Michigan State House Bill - HB 4257 – Co-Sponsored by James DeSana would
criminalize anyone, including parents who helps provide any gender-affirming care to children
under 18. http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?2023-HB-4257